ショップ ニュースレター お問合せ

15. May 2018

German government honors energy efficiency network of the glass industry

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety jointly awarded German companies for their successful participation in the Energy Efficiency Networks initiative in Berlin. Among the excellent networks: GlasNET 2.0 of the Federal Association of the Glass Industry e. V. (BV Glas).

The award recognizes the commitment of the companies involved, including Auer Lighting GmbH, to unlocking potential for greater energy efficiency through joint efforts and know-how transfer.

GlasNET 2.0 had set itself a savings target of 2.35 million kWh per year, which was clearly exceeded at 4 million kWh. This saves companies 1,600 tons of CO2 per year.

GlasNET was founded in 2016 by the glass manufacturers Saint-Gobain Glass, Auer Lighting, Glaswerk Ernstthal, Noelle and von Campe, Ritzenhoff and Weck, later joined the ISO Society for Pharmaceutical Packaging. Since 1 January 2018, the network has continued its work as GlasNET 2.0. BV Glas acts both as network carrier and moderator.

