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20. December 2021

Newsletter 25

So many are looking forward to 2022 – the event calendar is fully booked for Fresnel lenses to show their stunning performance on stage again.

Did you know that the Fresnel lens is celebrating its 200th birthday in 2022? The French physicist Augustin Jean Fresnel developed the first lenses named after him in 1822 for the use in lighthouses. The optical feature of Fresnel lenses to focus the light in spot and scatter the light in flood are still the most decisive parameters lighting designers worldwide are taking into consideration when making the selection of Fresnel static and/or moving lights for impressive stage illumination.

Auer Lighting is proud to say that we are the leading supplier of glass Fresnel lenses since decades. The Auer Fresnel lenses are made of the borosilicate glass SUPRAX® – the perfect material to withstand high temperatures and temperature shocks. The precise pressing of the lenses is another plus point of Auer Fresnel lenses. The production of our SUPRAX® glass is environment friendly and the lenses stand out in comparison to plastic lenses regarding sustainability.

Independent which light source is used and which size you need: Auer’s Fresnel product program covers the whole range with diameters up to 625 mm. New optical designs like faceting as well as new looks like spirals have been added to the standard program in the past years to meet changing requirements to the Fresnel lenses and to comply with the demanding characteristics of LED light sources.

In all these years the Auer Fresnel lenses have been part of a large number of award-winning movies as well as live performances on theatre and concert stages. Check out the Auer Lighting product range of Fresnel lenses here. Trust our decades of expertise in stage lighting and talk to us with regard to your lens developments – making your lights unique! 

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