Hot off the press
You can rely on our expertise and experience: Take a glance at our new corporate brochure - you'll get the most out of your optics with solutions by Auer Lighting.

Joining forces for better energy efficiency
Joining the energy efficiency network GlasNET, Auer Lighting has made a further contribution to boost energy savings. The network, assisted by BV Glas, has set the ambitious target to save 2,350,000…

Structured Coatings by Laser Ablation
Auer Lighting recently installed new solide-state engraving laser machines. The main application for the new systems is the precise local removal (ablation) of coatings on glass substrates. The…

LIGHTFAIR International 2017
The LIGHTFAIR International 2017 in Philadelphia will open its doors from May 9-11. Please come and visit us!

New Color-Mixing LED Optics ShopWhite
The new LED glass optics "ShopWhite" consists of a base reflector with exchangeable diffuser lenses: a concept well known and tested with CDM systems. Likewise, our new color-mixing system provides…

Lighting Fair 2017
This event is one of the largest comprehensive lighting exhibitions in Japan. It will present a vast array of the newest products that are essential elements of building comfortable, safe and highly…