High-Precision Laser Cutting System
As part of a continuous expansion of production, Auer Lighting recently installed a new laser cutting system. With this laser technology, almost all formats as well as straight, curved, angled and…

DVN Workshop 2018 Tokyo
Advanced Lighting Technologies and Regulations will be discussed at the 17th DVN Workshop taking place in Tokyo on June 5-6, 2018. Around 23 lectures will be presented from OEMs, set makers, light…

German government honors energy efficiency network of the glass industry
The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety jointly awarded German companies for their successful…

SPIE Optical Systems Design 2018
Experience more on the multiple Cartesian oval method for glass lens design. Visit Auer Lighting's session at SPIE Optical Systems Design, the premier European event for the latest advances in optical…

Optatec 2018
Optatec focuses on the industry’s innovation potential like no other event of its kind. With exhibitors from 32 countries the international trade fair for optical technologies, components and systems…

Newsletter 17
“Washing” a wall with light is kind of an art and is often used for atmospheric illumination and stunning effects. Now, it’s becoming easier with the help of Auer's tailored lens design. Since local…